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Regulate and control import and export of animals and animal products through quality assessment and certification in line with Internation best practices.

Head of Department

Dr. Emeka Asiegbu FCVSN

Director Animal Quarantine Department

Tel: +234 803 314 9852


Animal Quarantine

The Animal Quarantine Department exercises the veterinary functions of the Agency. It performs health inspection of export and import live animals, including dogs, cattle, cats, horses, sheep, goats, turkey, poulets/old chicks, eggs, parent stock and pet birds.

It verifies import and export permits issued by the office of the Director, Federal Department of Livestock and Pest Control Services for the importation/exportation of animals and their products. It authenticates international veterinary certificate accompanying imported animals and their products (e.g talon, horn and hooves, blood meal, hatchable eggs, milk etc.) It also certifies veterinary health certificate  which is a prerequisite for the acquisition of export permit and CITES permits from the Federal Ministry of Environment.

The Department carries out surveillance for the presence of contagious animals and zoonotic diseases as well as other diseases of economic importance at all points of entry. It also inspects trade animals at designated quarantine control posts.  It intercepts, seizes, quarantines (for 2-3 weeks) or destroys animals, animal products, day-old chicks, vaccines, sera, semen, embryo/ova and biogents suspected to carry contagious disease or found to have been illegally imported.

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